Friday, January 24, 2014

The Best Place to Buy :)

Things with my new Paparazzi business have been exciting lately! Not only have I recently completed my FIRST online party, but I have three more lined up this month (one of which is tonight and tomorrow night).

I've learned a lot so far, and realized that the best place for people to keep up-to-date with Paparazzi by Kate Brier is to like my page on Facebook

While this website will be helpful for general information about Paparazzi (see the tabs above), if you want to buy then Facebook is the place to go. I'm able to update my Facebook page much more frequently, hold contests there for free jewelry, and visitors to that page can see upcoming parties that I'm hosting.

For now, I've decided not to post current inventory on my Facebook page or this website. I'm getting new shipments frequently and the jewelry that I have on hand is constantly changing. With a full-time job (plus a husband and dog to take care of), I just don't have the time to make updates that often.

Instead, the best way to see the jewelry & accessories I have for sale is to attend (or host) a party. Parties can be online via Facebook or at home, but, since I am new to Philly, I expect that the vast majority will be online.

Here are links to my three upcoming Facebook parties. Please feel free to attend! 

I also want to reiterate something that I've said in the past: I am highly skeptical of direct sales businesses. I've had friends do it, and felt so uncomfortable going to their parties because I felt like I would have to spend a lot of money on something I didn't even want.

The reason I decided to start selling Paprazzi jewelry is because everything is only $5. I don't pressure people who come to my parties, but even if you DID feel like you HAD to buy something - you could do a whole lot worse than a piece of cute jewelry at a cheaper price than Target, Walmart, or Claires ;) 

And if you aren't in a position to buy anything, you can always host a party. Hostesses get a free piece (of their choice) just for hosting an online or at-home party. Then, for every 10 items sold they earn another! If a guest books her own party, the hostess gets ANOTHER free piece for every party booked! It adds up fast. When I hosted a party before joining Paparazzi, I earned 7 free pieces of jewelry. All I had to do was invite my friends to a Facebook event that was set-up and completely managed by someone else. Easy peasy :)

I do want to thank everyone who has supported my new venture so far. It's tough being the sugar mama to a dental school student (he just had to spend $1200 on loupes, for example), so every little bit helps :)

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